Welcome Message from Your CALBO President – Jeff Janes
2018-2019 CALBO President's Welcome Message
Dear CALBO Community,
It is always a pleasure to meet with you in person, and I’ve enjoyed having the opportunity to travel throughout the state and get to know the many faces of CALBO. As your 2018-19 President, I want to assure you that the Board will continue to add value to membership through legislative engagement, training, relevant forms and toolkits for our everyday, hard-working building departments throughout the state. Over the last several years, the Board looked to our strategic plan while also listening to our membership about what is important to them… and this year will be no different. We have heard some great suggestions from our members at CALBO membership forums and will be folding those into the Board’s vision moving forward.
As your President, I am excited to plan what promises to be a memorable year for CALBO members. The focus of the Board will be on you, the member, in addition to continued growth of our membership and cultivating partnerships. More specifically, we will be focused on increasing the authority of the Building Official through responsible legislation and realigning our committees to better streamline how we provide value to our members. This, along with strengthening our ties with ICC, CSAC, the League of California Cities, CBOAC, local California ICC Chapters, and our Industry partners will serve us all well to enhance and further our mission to provide our communities with a safe built environment.
I look forward to serving you as President of CALBO. As such, I look forward to any comments, questions or suggestions you may have toward the ultimate goal of improving our organization and membership.
All the Best,
Jeff Janes, C.B.O.
Deputy Building Official
City of Sonora