CALBO Publications


CALBO Publication: Selected State Laws Enforced by Building Departments

Considering purchasing the latest edition of CALBO’s publication, Selected State Laws Enforced by Building Departments, for your department. This handy guide to California State Laws is divided into 23 sections to help building department staff gain a better understanding of current and new laws that building departments enforce. The focus remains on the Health and Safety Code, Government Code, Business and Professions Code, and six other codes. This book is an excellent resource for your building department. Don’t miss out! 

A special thank you to Brad Wungluck, City of Manteca, Chief Building Official and CALBO First Vice President, for his efforts and expertise in making this publication available for our membership!

Selected State Laws Enforced by Building Departments
Order Today – Click Here!

If you have any questions about this publication, please contact the CALBO Office.