Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness Committee
The CALBO Emergency Preparedness Committee works with related federal, state, regional and local agencies and organizations to enhance local government capacity and statewide emergency preparedness. This work becomes essential in the unfortunate times of disaster response and recovery. The Committee provides policy recommendations on related matters and creates tools and resources for the CALBO membership. The Committee meets via teleconference throughout the year.
Click Here for Emergency Preparedness Resources – Newly Updated!
Committee Goals:
1. RESPONSE: Promote the Building
Official’s understanding of their role in a community’s
Declaration of Emergency by publishing an Executive Summary in a
CALBO Newsletter.
2. RECOVERY: Maintain disaster recovery guides and handouts for Building Officials to utilize.
3. PLANNING/MITIGATION/TRAINING: Utilize the CALBO Newsletters to get various messaging out to Building Officials.
4. OUTREACH: Find and Celebrate National & Local SAP-EM coordination efforts.