CALBO COVID-19 Online Resource Page
Vital Resources and Information
Throughout California, we are witnessing a new chapter during COVID-19 - a time of transition out of stay-at-home orders. As building departments plan and prepare to open to the public, we urge that you utilize the CALBO COVID-19 Response webpage that hosts vital resources to assist building departments continue to operate and overcome new challenges as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves.
- CALBO Member Highlights: Building Officials across the state have shared how their departments are developing new localized policies and procedures to serve their communities and what has served them well.
- Online Resources: The State of California, State Agencies and industry partners have created COVID-19 resource pages to provide vital up-to-date information. Don’t forget to use the Building Department Listserve to pose questions to and share with your colleagues.
- Events and Webinars: CALBO and industry partners are offering online events, webinars and panels to keep you connected virtually.
As always, CALBO recommends that jurisdictions follow guidance issued by local government and health authorities in their communities, but also urges members to utilize one another as a vital resource.
We are committed to keeping Building Officials across California well informed and connected to each other. As always, thank you for all you do and stay strong!
If you have questions or have a resource suggestion for the COVID-19 webpage, please contact the CALBO Office.