Article IX


Section 1.  

Proposed amendments to these Bylaws to be considered at the Annual Business Meeting shall be signed by at least twenty-five (25) Governmental Voting Members and must be presented to the Board of Directors at least sixty (60) days before the opening of the Annual Business Meeting. The Board of Directors shall cause them to be disseminated to each member, together with a proposed effective date, at least thirty (30) days before the Annual Business Meeting.

Section 2.

These proposed amendments may be discussed and amended at the Annual Business Meeting, and if passed by a majority vote of those Governmental Voting Members present (so long as a quorum is present), shall be sent by ballot, as amended on the floor, to all Governmental Voting Members for ratification. To be counted and considered, the ballots submitted by the Governmental Voting Members must be returned to the organization and received by the organization within thirty (30) days of the distribution date. At least twenty-five (25) ballots from Governmental Voting Members must be received back by the organization by the deadline in order for the ballots to be counted; approval of the amendments by two-thirds (2/3) of the ballots submitted by Governmental Voting Members is required for adoption. The returns shall be certified by the President if the necessary number of votes for adoption is received.