2019 CBC Chapter 11A: Privately-Funded Multi-Family Dwelling Accessibility
Registration Closed
Thursday, March 12, 2020
8:30am – 3:30pm
ICC PPP #: 22612 (0.6 CEUs)
AIA Coure #: 16:2019 (6 LUs)
Robert Livermore Community Center
4444 East Avenue
Livermore, CA 94550
Palo Verde Room
Parking Information: Complimentary parking at the Loyola Way Parking Lot. To access Loyola Way, set GPS to 4448 Loyola Way, Livermore, CA 94550 and turn left at 4th Driveway. Guests will enter through the courtyard.
This course provides attendees with a working understanding of the adaptable housing requirements for privately-funded multi-family dwellings in California. The course covers selected scoping and technical provisions with an emphasis on understanding the practical applicability of the requirements. Discussion and lecture assists users of the code with inspections and plan reviews of multi-family dwelling unit construction. The course meets the following continuing educational requirements: (1) HSC requirements for building department personnel, (2) BPC requirements for CA Licensed Architects, (3) AIA CES HSW Learning Units for AIA members, (4) Title 21 requirements for Certified Access.
To register, please visit the CALBO Online Registration Form.
For any questions or concerns, please contact the CALBO Office or by phone at 916-457-1103.