Report of the 2022 CALBO Nominations Committee
The CALBO Nominations Committee
presents the following report and proposed slate of officers for
the 2022-23 CALBO Membership Year:
Mr. David Gonzalves, University of California,
Merced; President
Mr. Brad Wungluck, City of Manteca;
First Vice President
Mr. Doug Hensel, County of San
Joaquin; Second Vice President
Mr. Shane Diller, City of Elk
Grove; Immediate Past President
Mr. Mike Brinkman, City of Newman; Director,
Two-Year Term
Ms. Sara Retmier, City of Beaumont; Director,
Two-Year Term
Mr. Doug Hughes, Town of Windsor; Director,
One-Year Term
Should any individuals be considering a run from the floor
against any individual on this proposed slate of officers, we ask
that you inform a CALBO Board or Staff Member no later than
10:00pm this evening.
CALBO’s elections will take place tomorrow morning (Wednesday)
in Ambassador 5-7 as part of the Annual Business
Meeting. The meeting will start promptly at 8:30am. All Class I
members of CALBO are encouraged to ensure that you are wearing
your “Voting Member” badge for the elections.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Goei, Chair
2022-2023 CALBO Nominations Committee