Los Angeles Basin Chapter Coordinates Recommendations for the 2021 ICC Group A Code Development Cycle
CALBO takes pride in the statewide efforts of local and regional ICC Chapters seeking to engage in the model code development process. This round of code change proposals is no different, and we wanted to share and disseminate a recent collaborative document developed by the Los Angeles Basin Chapter. Please find available, for your information only, recommendations for online governmental consensus voting relative to the 2021 ICC Group A Code Development Cycle for the 2024 editions of the International Codes. This document was developed and overseen by the ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Administration Committee, but includes the input and collaboration of many regional chapters. Please see the note below from the Los Angeles Basin Chapter and join CALBO in acknowledging the efforts of these dedicated code officials.
2021 ICC-LABC Recommendation for OGCV Group A 2024 I-Codes
The ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Administration and Code Committee (“LABC-AC”) is taking the lead to facilitate and strengthen code coordination efforts among the various participating chapters, organizations and jurisdictions (herein after referred to collectively as “Participants”). It is the LABC-AC’s goal that increasing collaboration among Participants regarding code change proposals will help ensure that the voices of all the Participants’ Governmental Member Voting Representatives (“GMVR”) are uniform and consistent. As such, the LABC-AC believes that these efforts will help to enable Participants to have a significant impact on the code development process at the national level.
The LABC-AC has been working closely with Participants engaged in the code development process to evaluate and recommend positions on select code change proposals. With that effort now complete, the LABC-AC is recommending to all of the Participants’ GMVR to support the consensus voting recommendation for several code change proposals that were individually considered and received a final action during the International Code Council (“ICC”) Public Comment Hearings held on September 22-26 of 2021 in Pittsburgh, PA. The LABC-AC hopes that this document will help to serve as a guide for all of the Participants’ GMVR when evaluating which code change proposals to support or oppose online through the ICC cdpACCESS. This document consolidates and summarizes the desired voting position of Participants to ensure ease of comparison and review for all of the Participants’ GMVR. The LABC-AC encourages all of the Participants’ GMVR to participate in ICC’s Online Governmental Consensus Vote (“OGCV”). Your vote is important and will help to further the goal of making an impact on the code development process. The ICC Online Governmental Consensus Voting (“OGCV”) period begins OCTOBER 15, 2021 and concludes NOVEMBER 1, 2021.
Special thanks go out to the following chapters without whose support and effort the recommendation presented in the document would not be possible.
- California Fire Chiefs Association
- Fire Prevention Officers, Northern and Southern Divisions
- ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter
- ICC Orange Empire Chapter
- ICC Sacramento Valley Association of Building Officials
- ICC San Diego Area Chapter
- ICC Southern Nevada Chapter
- ICC Tri-Chapters (East Bay, Peninsula, And Monterey Bay)
CALBO strongly encourages all code officials to engage in the code development and change processes. Although CALBO focuses on state policy and rarely submits proposed changes to the model code-making bodies, we wanted to share this collaborative effort on behalf of California code officials. By sharing this information on our website, CALBO is not endorsing or soliciting positions on any of the proposals outlined below. Rather, this information is provided for your information only.
Special thanks to all of the aforementioned chapters for their leadership and coordination of these efforts. Additionally, special thanks to the many members and code officials who contributed to this collective work.
For any questions or concerns regarding the information provided above, please contact the CALBO Office or by phone at 916-457-1103.