CALBO’s Bylaws Successfully Changed and Restated by Members
The CALBO Board of Directors is pleased to provide a copy of our newly restated organizational bylaws for your information. These amended and restated bylaws are now effective and are currently under implementation by the CALBO Board and Staff.
Following the affirmative action of those present at the 61st Annual Business Meeting, ballots were subsequently issued to all voting members of the organization. The 30-day voting period closed last week, and following Executive Board affirmation, we are pleased to report that all ballots received were unanimous in favor of the ratification.
Although it will take a full year to fully implement the new bylaws provisions, all will be in place in time for the 62nd Annual Business Meeting and the next election of CALBO officers.
We thank all members of CALBO for assisting your organization in these next preparatory steps for our next 60+ years.