CALBO News: Summer 2024

E-mail blast

Welcome Friend of CALBO,

At CALBO, our goal is to be the premier resource for all California code officials and industry colleagues. We hope you will find this newsletter to be of value as you protect the built environment in the Golden State.
A Publication of California Building Officials
    1111 16th Street | Sacramento, CA | 95814
     916-457-1103 |

In This Newsletter – Click Here to Read More:

- Welcome to CALBO’s 63rd Year! 

- 2024 CALBO Education Weeks – Registration Available

- Permit Technician Career Advancement Academy: Coming Soon

- CALBO’s 62nd ABM Recap

- Celebrating the 2023-2024 CALBO Award Recipients

- Congratulations, BOLA and Permit Technician Academy Class of 2023-2024

- Are you a SAP Disaster Service Worker & Volunteer? 

- Newsletter Advertisements

- Welcome, BOLA Class of 2024-2025!

- 2024-2025 CALBO Partners: Thank You for Your Continual Unwavering Support

- Exhibiting and Sponsoring Opportunities at CALBO Education Weeks 

- 2024-2025 CALBO Membership Program: Have you renewed? 

- This Week’s Essential Webinars: Master Energy Storage and GIS for Better Efficiency

- Summer Webinar Opportunities

- Capitol Corner Update

- Staying Connected to CALBO’s Legislative and Advocacy Efforts

- CALBO Video Resources

- Follow Us on Our Social Media Pages

- Employment and Internship Opportunities 

For any questions regarding the CALBO News, please contact the CALBO Office