CALBO ABM Invitation to Jurisdiction Management and Administration – Please join us!

E-mail blast

We hope that you are able to join your professional colleagues and friends at the upcoming 63rd Annual Business Meeting in Hollywood from April 14-17, 2025. 

CALBO understands that time away from your jurisdiction is at a premium and conveying the importance of the annual business meeting to city and county administration can be difficult.  Contributing factors could include cost, time away, or simply willingness to travel to more remote areas of our state.

We have put together a customizable letter for your use (click here) outlining this year’s event in detail, in addition to providing solid rationale as to why you – our Building Official colleague – should join us at the ABM.

To review the ABM programming and schedule, click here.

Further, if you would like a custom letter tailored to a jurisdiction official – such as the City Manager, department director, or colleague – reply to this email with the name, title, and address and we will send a tailored copy to you.

We hope to see you in Hollywood. Please let CALBO know if we can assist in making this happen for you.