A Special Message from Your 2018-19 CALBO President


 Welcome Building and Safety Professionals! 

Well, school’s not out…and it never should be. I recently had a conversation with my high-school daughter, who was inquiring about “when are we through with school?” I smiled and said, “never.” Although continuing education may not be exciting compared to other things in life, the benefits are life-long. There are plenty of statistics and facts that support this. 

So why should you attend a CALBO Education Week? Below are just a few highlights:

- Increasing qualification – State law (H&S 18949.25 through 18949.31) requires each building official, plans examiner, and building inspector to obtain 45 hours of qualified continuing education in each three-year period with at least 8 hours regarding disabled access requirements.

Increasing opportunities and income – We all like options. Having additional certifications and training keeps you relevant to your employer, increases public-safety, and opens the doors to other opportunities.                

- Increasing confidence – Real confidence comes from the inside and your education and continuing education are the best foundation for this. No one can take that away from you.

- Improving social networking – Why fly solo? The wider your connections, the more people you can help and the more people who can help you. 

- Securing your future – The marketplace is very competitive and that competition is only increasing with time. Put yourself in an employer’s shoes…if you were going to consider advancing an employee, who would you choose? Certification or a degree is only the beginning. Increase your skill sets and value by taking advantage of the training opportunities that CALBO has to offer.

With that said, I can tell you without hesitation that the CALBO Training Institute (CTI) has been hard at work to better serve YOUR needs in the area of education and training.

Here’s what you have to look forward to at the Education Weeks:

- Three Training Venues - There are three venues for 2018 Education Weeks in San Ramon, Ontario, and Anaheim. Please visit our website to download the 2018-19 CTI Annual Training Catalogue to review the full-course schedule and course descriptions. Our new online registration platform makes it easy to register you and your staff. Contact the CALBO office to create your username and password before registering.

- New Courses and Instructors – At the 2018 Education Weeks, there are 18 new courses and 13 new instructors offering new approaches, perspectives, and insights about important building-safety topics, including subject matter for new staff and industry members as well as experienced professionals.

- Courses to Fit All Training Needs - There are many plan review and inspection courses also offered for the benefit of not only new industry members but also those with field and counter experience.

The time is now to invest in YOURSELF. If you are a building official or decision maker within your company or jurisdiction, invest in your ORGANIZATION which translates into safer communities and a better you. Take advantage of the great training opportunities that CALBO has to offer. We’ll see you back in school!

All The Best, 

Jeff Janes, C.B.O.
Deputy Building Official
City of Sonora