CTI Chairman’s Update
Written By: Chairman Bob Latz
Welcome CALBO Members, Industry
Associates, and Friends,
We are about to embark on this year’s fact-filled training experience through the 2022 hybrid Education Weeks in San Ramon and Ontario. The CALBO Training Institute (CTI) Commission is proud to bring, with our Instructors, Course Developers, Subject Matter Experts and Production Team, a year of insight into the 2022 significant code changes and your professional development. CTI is again extending to you the option to attend in person or virtually. We hope you will take advantage of this flexibility in providing our members with the best quality education. When attending in person, please take time to visit with our vendors so they have the opportunity to share their new products and services.
The 2022 Education Weeks will be held September 19 - September 22 in San Ramon and October 10 - October 13 in Ontario. We recently launched the BOLA class of 2022-2023 and look forward to their participation in Education Weeks as well as their graduation at next year’s Annual Business Meeting in San Diego from March 5-9, 2023. CTI wants to recognize their commitment as emerging leaders and encourages you to be part of next year’s program.
Please keep a look out for the CTI 2-hour webinar offerings that are provided year-round. More topics will be added to cover the recent 2022 code updates, including accessibility, electrical, mechanical, egress, energy and much more. These are great supplemental virtual trainings that can be taken at your home or office. Check the CALBO Calendar for new and upcoming webinar topics and dates.
We look forward to seeing all of you as we come together for training and professional development this year!
Bob Latz, C.B.O.
Regional Manager
CSG Consultants, Inc.