CALBO’s Role in the ICC Board of Directors Elections
As the largest chapter of the International Code Council (ICC), CALBO pays close attention to the ICC Officer and Board of Directors elections. Of special note for 2019, the ICC Annual Conference will be held in the west. Traditionally, this means a greater number of CALBO members will be in attendance at the conference and the attention of Board candidates will be focused upon our endorsements and member’s votes.
CALBO makes its endorsements for the ICC Board in coordination with the Western Pacific League of Building Officials (WPLBO) and has done so for over a decade. WPLBO is the loosely formed coalition between the state associations of California, Nevada and Washington, in addition of Region 1 and Region 2.
Each Fall, WPLBO holds a Candidates Forum, where all contenders for the ICC Board are invited to interview with WPLBO member representatives. WPLBO does not necessarily vote in blocks, nor does it prohibit the endorsements of any of its individual members. What the WPLBO Candidates Forum does is offer an opportunity for ICC Board Candidates to meet face-to-face with the primary leadership on the west coast. This year, the WPLBO Candidates Forum will be held August 22-23 in Seattle, Washington.
CALBO wants to assist our members and chapters in your efforts to make informed endorsements. CALBO will again participate in the WPLBO Candidates Forum, where our leadership will have the opportunity to holistically vet all ICC Board Candidates. Following the forum and by the end of August, CALBO will make our endorsements for the ICC Board of Directors. Given that the ICC Annual Conference will be held October 19-23, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada, there will be plenty of time for endorsed candidates to gain political traction and momentum prior to the election.
CALBO looks forward to welcoming ICC back to the western states for its 2019 Annual Conference and playing an active role in the election and governance of the code council.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information
provided above, please contact the CALBO Office.