CALBO News Special Edition: 2018 Education Weeks
Special Edition: 2018 Education Weeks
Welcome Friend of CALBO,
At CALBO, our goal is to be the premier resource for all California code officials and industry colleagues. We hope you will find this newsletter to be of value as you protect the build environment in the Golden State.
A Publication of California Building Officials
1022 G Street | Sacramento, CA | 95814
916-457-1103 |
A Special Message from Your 2018-19 CALBO President
Welcome Building and Safety
Well, school’s not out…and it never should be. I recently had a
conversation with my high-school daughter, who was inquiring
about “when are we through with school?” I smiled and said,
“never.” Although continuing education may not be exciting
compared to other things in life, the benefits are life-long.
There are plenty of statistics and facts that support
So why should you attend a CALBO Education Week? Below are just a
few highlights:
- Increasing qualification – State law (H&S
18949.25 through 18949.31) requires each building official, plans
examiner, and building inspector to obtain 45 hours of qualified
continuing education in each three-year period with at least 8
hours regarding disabled access requirements.
– Increasing opportunities and income – We all
like options. Having additional certifications and training keeps
you relevant to your employer, increases public-safety, and opens
the doors to other opportunities.
- Increasing confidence – Real confidence comes
from the inside and your education and continuing education are
the best foundation for this. No one can take that away from
- Improving social networking – Why fly solo?
The wider your connections, the more people you can help and the
more people who can help you.
- Securing your future – The marketplace is very
competitive and that competition is only increasing with time.
Put yourself in an employer’s shoes…if you were going to consider
advancing an employee, who would you choose? Certification or a
degree is only the beginning. Increase your skill sets and value
by taking advantage of the training opportunities that CALBO has
to offer.
2018 CALBO Education Weeks: San Ramon, Ontario & Anaheim
Register Today!
The CALBO Training Institute (CTI) strives to be your primary source of training by offering topical, current, and relevant educational opportunities throughout the entire Golden State.
This year, CTI has concentrated its efforts on professional development and relevant code update courses that benefit both seasoned building-safety department personnel and newly recruited industry members.
We hope to see you at the upcoming Education Weeks held in San Ramon, Ontario, and Anaheim.
2018 CALBO Education Weeks: New Course Highlights
Did you know that there are 18 newly developed courses offered this year at CALBO Education Weeks? The CALBO Training Institute (CTI) Commissioners and CALBO staff have worked hard to develop courses that are not only technically insightful and proficient, but provide real-life experiences that building-safety department staff can encounter on a day-to-day basis. It is CTI’s goal to furnish building departments staff with tools to keep active and up-to-date on code changes and amendments, new technology, and advanced thinking on issues related to our industry.
Some of the new courses offered this year are:
- 2016 California Mechanical Code: The Basics of Inspection
- 2016 California Plumbing Code: The Basics of Inspection
- Eat, Drink and Be Thorough: Food Service Tenant Important Plan Review
- Geological and Geotechnical Investigation and Reports: Agency Responsibility for Adequate Review
- The 15 Steps to Dangerous Building Enforcement
- Housing and Community Development and the Local Building Department: Alternative Housing in California
- Wildland-Urban Interface
A Brief Message from CALBO Training Institute Chair, Bob Latz
Another year is quickly moving forward. Yes, it’s that time again
to start looking towards and preparing to join us at the upcoming
Education Weeks presented by
the CALBO Training Institute
(CTI). CTI has worked diligently to provide a variety of
practical and topical courses for your training needs. Along with
the more traditional educational topics, we are pleased to bring
you 18 newly developed classes to provide you the finest
building-safety training available to sharpen and hone your
abilities to serve your communities.
CTI has concentrated its efforts on relevant code updates and
professional development courses that benefit both seasoned
building-safety department personnel and newly recruited industry
members. Please take the time to review the courses listed in
this catalogue to find what best suits your training needs. Each
course listed has a course title and description to help you
during the registration process. If you have any questions
regarding the Education Week curriculum, please do not hesitate
to reach out to CALBO staff, myself, or the CTI
CTI is again hosting three Education Weeks at the venues you have
become familiar with, including San Ramon in September, Ontario
in October, and Anaheim in December. Please keep a look out for
other trainings listed as Independent Offerings this fall,
winter, spring, and summer that are hosted by jurisdictions
throughout California. CTI hopes that an expansion of Education
Weeks and Independent Offerings provides flexibility for
departments and industry companies to split their staff between
venues allowing more time in the classroom throughout the entire
year. Thanks for your support through attendance and feedback as
we continue to expand valuable training opportunities.
2018 CALBO Education Weeks: Lunch and Learn Events
Join Energy Code Ace in San Ramon, Ontario and Anaheim
Are you registered to attend
the 2018 CALBO Education Week: San Ramon, Ontario or
If so, you’re invited to attend “Lunch and Learn,” a special lunch presentation to learn more about making energy code compliance easier and faster through “ace-age” technology. Energy Code Ace’s team will introduce attendees to a new user interface for nonresidential prescriptive compliance forms for completion and verification.
You’ve gained code knowledge in the classroom – now learn what free tools, training, and resources are available for you and your building department!
Legislative Outreach Alert – AB 2681 (Seismic Resiliency)
Member Call to Action
This year’s legislative session has been filled with building health and safety issues that directly affect our membership. CALBO has been closely tracking several bills, and advocating our strong position at the State Capitol. The Legislature is currently on “summer recess” and will reconvene in August to finish the last few weeks of session. During this time, it would be helpful to get CALBO’s local jurisdictions involved in these advocacy efforts and express their individual concerns with bills that are moving through the process.
Stay Up-to-Date on all Legislative Issues
Have you visited the Legislation tab on the redesigned CALBO
Website? Take advantage of these resources for your
Legislative Outreach
Legislative Bill
Online Bill Search Tool
Capitol Corner Update
Legislative Events
Legislative Process
An Update from the CALBO Energy Commission Advisory Committee
The California Energy Commission has adopted the 2019 Building
Energy Efficiency Standards. The 2019 Energy Code goes into
effect January 1, 2020. Homes built under this Code will use
about 53 percent less energy than those under the 2016 Code.
Nonresidential buildings are estimated to use about 30 percent
less. Although the Energy Code has been adopted the Energy
Commission Advisory Committee has been, and will continue to be,
very busy.
CALBO Training Institute (CTI) Independent Offerings
The CALBO Training Institute (CTI) prides itself on the ability
to provide quality and timely training to industry professionals
across the state. It’s in that spirit that CTI has increased the
number of courses available outside of our Education Weeks
As CALBO continues to trek California, keep an eye out for
courses in your area. CALBO may even be near you next week!
CTI Wants to Come to You!
As the CALBO Training Institute (CTI) continues to provide
quality training around California, we want to ensure that we
reach YOU! If you or your jurisdiction is interested in
having a class brought to you and would be able to aid in
location of a venue, please let us know!
In the past few months, CTI has hosted courses in and around Los
Angeles, Orange County, the San Francisco Bay Area, and
Sacramento. Help us reach out to even more building
professionals by letting us know where we can go next.
Stay Up-to-Date on California Building Officials by visiting!
The Wheeler Company. Circulation of over 700 members in local government,
building industry, and state agencies.
California Building Officials
1022 G Street Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-457-1103 Fax: 916-442-3616
CALBO News is not copyrighted and articles may be reprinted with appropriate credit.
Neither California Building Officials nor The Wheeler Company assumes responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed in this publication.